Introduce Yourself : Filmmaker/Actor/Director by Allan Hall

Allan Hall


Hi everyone. Welcome to STAGE 32; the most awesome site for any level of professional artist(s). I am Allan Hall; owner of Dreamscape Interantional Entertainment and Wild Wolf Pictures. I am currently directing a full length Sci-fi production of Suddenly Real; a romantic action thriller. Something like Armageddon, Gravity and Aliens all rolled into one fast paced - edge of your seat - stand up and cheer - classic thriller. Visit or our main site at for more info. Connect with me to find out more about how you can be a part of this awesome event, or, just to chat. Thank you.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Armageddon, Gravity and Aliens all rolled into one sounds pretty awesome to me. So glad you are part of the community Allan!

Richard "RB" Botto

Congrats and best of luck with the project, Allan!

Allan Hall

Thank you! We're very proud of our sci-fi project. Cheers. ~Allan

Dawn Gonchar

Pretty amazing!

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