Introduce Yourself : I Died Last Week by Harlan Roberts

Harlan Roberts

I Died Last Week

A few weeks before that, I called a young black girl [the n-word] while her white boyfriend was with her. I've been a police detective, a homeless man, a mean-ass criminal, an otherworldly janitor, a by-the-book park ranger and three different people in a Biblical setting. Those are the parts I like to play. The guy that was in that thing. As long as producers and directors know my name, and know that they can count on me to be on time, with my lines learned and my chops honed, then I'm fine with being the guy that was in that thing. BTW, my writing skills are pretty damn fine too. You want a decent superhero pilot for a SyFy TV show? One with very few special effects? It's ready. And I'm pretty handy on bass, guitar and vocals, too. You want to know more? Then contact me and let me know. Oh yeah, I also speak Arabic, Greek, a little French, some Italian...

Dawn Gonchar

Welcome Harlan! Is there anything you can't do? ;)

Harlan Roberts

Well, Dawn, I cannot rebuild a car engine. Yet.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Happy to help: :D Thanks for sharing Harlan.

Dawn Gonchar

Harlan - I'm sure it's only a matter of time :)

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