Screenwriting : Interesting "stress dreams" phenomenon by Lisa Clemens

Lisa Clemens

Interesting "stress dreams" phenomenon

You know how some people have dreams where they are back in school, not prepared in class, lost in hallways, or at work unprepared for a presentation? Well I had a screenwriter's version where I am on a bus, on my way somewhere. I opened my laptop and the keys were flat and jelly like and slid away! Then someone came down the aisle and stole what was left! All I remember thinking before I woke up was, "But I have to send in my screenplay!!" I posted this on Facebook, and a Hong Kong Director/ Screenwriter friend, Antony Szeto, (Wushu, Dragon Blade) wrote that he has similar dreams. He said, "Yup...after one of those dreams I'm up re-backing up and re-emailing the script I'm working on back to myself. Illogically, a car running over my laptop, obviously just as I'm about to deliver my new script, is my recurring stress dream." So it got me to thinking... How many screenwriters have stress dreams like these?

Debbie Croysdale

Hi I've had dreams where keys have melted, and doors reappear just as I've walked through them, another one is I'm putting on clothes for a photo shoot , and the outfits get muddy, etc. Its just we are perfectionists with the insecurity, it WON'T be alright on the day. I think scriptwriters over think, cos its part of our hard drive. The thinking process carries on after we finish writing. Sweet Dreams!

Lisa Clemens

I used to have the "Lost in high school, can't find the next class" dreams before I became a writer, even though I graduated in 85 LOL.

William Martell

I dreamed I was in Starbucks, with my laptop open, but couldn't think of anything to write, and I was naked... Then realized I was not dreaming when security asked me to leave.

Lisa Clemens

Thanks for the offer to help, Chip, but I think my stress was from the fact that, that night before bed I got a call from the director I am writing for. He and one of his producing partners LOVED the latest draft and he complimented me on it and said he appreciates how, when I am asked to rework or change things, I don't drag my feet or give him the ol' "Change it?? It's my ART!" etc (He's worked with other writers who did that!) LOL. However he mentioned that his OTHER partner had not read it yet... I guess the stress was about what the other producer would think! (Still waiting to hear from him too!!)

Dillon Mcpheresome

I dream about my main character then get up and write it down. I sounds like the jitters about the future. I tend not to worry about the future. But you probably have one, Lisa.

Lisa Clemens

Thanks Dillon! So far so good I suppose. First one sold not made, second produced and next one being rewritten and to be produced shortly I hope!

Richard Koman

Your dream should be that your cloud based server was hacked by th Chinese and your work is gone, since if that didn't happen you should be able to access your file and email it from any computer you could find

Cherie Grant

Interesting. Never had a writing dream, but then my dreams are always so demonstrably abstract that if I ever had a dream I could immediately understand then THAT would be weird and would leave me unsettled.

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