Screenwriting : Film Courage clip: Creating Suspense. by William Martell

William Martell

Film Courage clip: Creating Suspense.

Here's a clip from Film Courage on creating suspense in your screenplay, featuring some dude you've never heard of...

Beth Fox Heisinger

Great clip William. Thanks for sharing your vast knowledge and constructive insights. Best to you!

Carlora Renee

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I just completed the 1st draft of my latest script...viewing this 'Creating Suspense' clip will allow me to approach rewrites in a much better manner.

CJ Walley

Who is this handsome man? How do I fashion such a fine moustache myself? Why does he make such good points?

Anthony Mouasso

Hey William, so great to hear about Drama Irony. And Film Courage is a great channel on youtube. A lot of the tricks about screenwriting are circling around that, I think: the relationship between the writer, the character and the audience. Transactional analysis, is really interesting in that regard. There is a huge amount of similarities between the two problematics that I find quite fascinating.

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