Screenwriting : Logline for TV drama by Dale Devoe Inscore

Dale Devoe Inscore

Logline for TV drama

Pirates' Cove = Drama A small town with big town problems that it's two best detectives try to solve.

Danny Manus

needs characters, specifics, what types of problems, what makes them diff from other towns problems?

Danny Manus

and why should we care about the detectives?

Shelley Stuart

What Danny said plus one: I'm not normally a grammar hound but when one sentence is the most important sentence that you send to potential buyers or reps, you've got to scour it for things like "its" and "it's". One apostrophe is enough to make a reader pass.

Dale Devoe Inscore

Shelley, wrote it on my phone and it did that.

James Chalker

Hate to do this, but that's not a sentence. It needs a predicate.

Tatom Pender

I'm somewhat hooked by the first half... the second half loses me. The word "best" as a character description doesn't connect me to them or the story. It's kind of like when your mom says you are "special". We want to see characters that are reflections of ourselves or a heightened version of ourselves... even in that one little word. All the best!

Richard Koman

Big town problems??? What are those?

J.G Sarantinos

This is a tagline for the promo. I need a sense of conflict, the trajectory of the series and some character details about the detectives, presumably the main characters.

Tim Aucoin

Reads more than a tagline than a log line. What's the central conflict?

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