My master plan to get more acting work was to get in on doing crew work!
My master plan to get more acting work was to get in on doing crew work!
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That was a really helpful tip as far getting a PA job and I could see the potential if you want to be on the producing side, but I fail to see how that leads to an acting job.
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You get to network with with the people who actually work on films that have a budget. And believe me that no one on set is what they seem. A PA could be a director. A script supervisor could also be a producer. Once they know that you are also an actor, then you have a better chance of getting a direct call to be in a film. I've been on set as a scripty and a PA and I can't count how many times the director suddenly needs someone to play a part and I filled those shoes. It happens. A lot.
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Well then you have had a totally different experience then I have had. I have been on set for 4 years and I have never seen a crew member step up into an acting role. Some PAs do background as well, but that's about it. True a script supervisor could also be a producer and I do agree it's about building relationships, so I kinda see where you're going with that, it's definately an unorthodox approach, but I personally have never seen or experienced such thing. Good luck!
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As Woody Allen says Giselle, "80% of success is just showing up." Ya never know unless you're there ta know.
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Ha, I loved the title of this :)