Introduce Yourself : New and Networking! by Julie Stackhouse

Julie Stackhouse

New and Networking!

Hi all, I wanted to introduce myself as I am new to Stage32. What a great platform for those in the industry! I am an actress first and foremost but have credits directing and producing as well. Which I certainly enjoy and entertain doing it more often. I live in Philadelphia, PA and am big on the indie scene here. Its a unique film community here, that I love whole heartedly. I am looking for other acting opportunities to get myself out there as much as possible, so this seemed like a great way to do so! I would love the chance to network and continue this dream I have had all my life. Its the love of the emotional impact on an audience that inspires me to keep going... looking forward to chatting with you!

Chuck Pressler

Welcome to the community and I hope to find that project that was written to fit you perfectly. Maybe we will cross paths sometime! Best of luck.

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