Success Stories: SEP'30 BET Requested my script.

Eric Westlake

BET Requested my script.

BET requested my script! Another success thanks to Joey. Thanks you, Joey. I strongly encourage people to utilize his services.

Pup Che

who is Joey?

Eric Westlake

Joey Tuccio. He's President of Stage 32 Happy Writers. You can email him at

Amanda Toney

Congrats Eric!! Great things are coming your way I can feel it!

Eric Westlake

So true, Kathryn.

Eric Westlake

Thanks Shannon.

Eric Westlake

It's a cable network.

Joseph Antwann King


Eric Westlake

Thank you, Joseph.

Antonio Ingram

Cool Eric, what is it called? I also wish you all the best with this project and your other projects moving forward.

Beulah Jones

Me too. I hope to have that feeling one day. Congratulations.

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