Filmmaking / Directing : Union Crew Needed by Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Union Crew Needed

Looking for Palm Springs local Union Crew Are you or someone you know in a Film Union like IATSE, Teamsters, DGA, etc? Do you/they live in the Coachella Valley? We would like to know who you are. We are assisting a group that is compiling a list of Union Workers who live in the Coachella Valley and we want to make sure we have as many on this list as possible. If you or someone you know is Union and is interested in working locally in the Coachella Valley, please have them contact Dan Taylor at

Richard "RB" Botto

We have a JOBS section for this, Dan. That's where people go who are looking for work.

Dan Taylor

Yes, sorry. I saw that just after I posted this one.

Richard "RB" Botto

No worries. Just want to make sure you have the best chance to secure the talent you're looking for.

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