Screenwriting : Script readers by Dillon Mcpheresome

Dillon Mcpheresome

Script readers

This last summer I built a swing over what is usually a creek in my back yard. Then the water dried up and I began to dig it out. I shoveled out over 100 five gallon bucks of dirt out of the creek bed. Then I put about 30 five gallons buckets of the red dirt back into it. As I sat on the swing barely able to move from carrying all the buckets of dirt, I could see what looked to me like Red River Valley. Now you may be comforted to know the reason for me doing all that digging is because of a certain class of people whom I have come to hate. I don't like using the word, but that I how I feel. They have beaten me, sapped my sense of self, tied me to a whippen pole until I felt I was dying. So I started digging a hole in my back yard to bury myself in pity. I know this writing is a learning process and people have to get on with their lives but I had no idea it was going to be like this. and all because of time. So the swing in the middle of the bridge that goes over the what appears now to be a drainage ditch that doesn't have water unless it rains, then it gets all the water. So I built a bridge over the canal and put a swing in the middle of the bridge which looks out to what would be a 4 foot waterfall if there was water in the creek. But there wasn't so I was just looking out at the Red River bed and wondering what kind of people would live down there. It was a hundred degrees out and the sun was shining high in the air. I must of fallen asleep in the shade provided by the tin roof above the swing. Because I heard these voices. It was a young girl talking to her father. I remember seeing this big red area of dirt and saying to myself. Well if they are living down there they must be very small. But now I see them from the swing, they look like ants. I knew immediately they were script readers. All of a sudden I was transported to their level. What a wonderful thing to have a chance to learn what goes on in a script readers head? Lucy It was an awful day Daddy. I went through 200 scripts and not a one was worth wiping my ass with. Henry Structure or spelling? Lucy Most of them I can't even get past the first sentence. Henry Be patient dear a good writer is being discovered every day.

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