Screenwriting : Ask a PAGE-winning Script Consultant! by Paul Zeidman

Paul Zeidman

Ask a PAGE-winning Script Consultant!

Today's blogpost is up and worth checking out.

Derek Ladd

"Find your voice. Don’t write in every single genre because you have an idea you think is good. Choose your style and your voice. It’s hard to make your mark as a horror writer if you submit and they want more, and all you have is a children’s Christmas movie, a western and an emotional drama." I stopped reading right here. Telling a writer to pick a genre and stick with it is terrible advice. If all you want to write is horror, then just write horror. But don't limit yourself if other genres speak to you. I write in all genres because I love all genres and I get ideas in all genres. And guess what? If one genre falls out of fashion I'll have others to pull from. ~ One thing all writers should remember is what William Goldman said: "No one knows anything." Write a GOOD story that you're passionate about and it will find a home. If not, write another one. For the record, I am ALSO a PAGE-winning script consultant, so there. Look at my profile if you don't believe me. ;-D

Paul Zeidman

Let me explore your website a little more, and then I'll be in touch about taking part in this Q&A. Cool?

Derek Ladd

Sure. I created a story building template recently that I sent to a few clients. It's a work in progress but it functions pretty well when used in conjunction with certain books and the 3-act structure. One thing I have learned in 30+ years of writing is that it's a journey, not a destination. Thanks, Aerosmith! ;-D

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