Greetings Everyone, Just wanted to take a brief moment to say Thank You in advanced for the pleasure of being amongst such accomplished "Creatives" and others spewing with creative ambitions such as I. Recent graduate of the Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences in Tempe, Gilbert, and Mesa Arizona, Greeting again to all. If you care to venture I have posted a copy of my resume on the "Summary" page here take a look and let's connect if we are not connected; already. Creatively seeking work, paid or unpaid; of course starving interns like to get paid however, in the Greater Atlanta area. My ambitions is to become one of the greatest Film Edit, Mix, ADR, Mastering, and Surround Mixers of all times. As well as develop greater confidence in my technical and field technician role while on and off set. May be later, Creative's willing (GOD), secure a mentor-ship into the universe of Directing and Producing Film. So as you can see I try not to leave a single stone unturned or at least kicked lol. All kidding aside. Creative I AM, mission to align my Creative"Ness" within the proper vibrations of the Universe. Can you, Will you continue to assist me in my mission? RB thanks for the opportunity to connect with so many Creatives in one place. You Rock!!! Best Regards, .O.rlando Green-Bush #IAM_Creative_Ness
Welcome to the community! You should definitely check out the jobs section- there are paid and unpaid positions all over the world! You're also in a great place to meet people and find opportunities that could change your life. :)