Hi! I'm the Director of a SE London based community arts festival and producing theatre company Spontaneous Productions. Six years on and we're looking for new ways of working, especially partnering with similar organisations. Anyone got any suggestions about how best to connect with other festivals, theatre companies and arts organisations doing what we do? I don't see how to include links to my websites for example - which seems a bit odd. Is there an easy way to do this? Also, I'm not looking for work, more looking for artists, arts organisations and groups to approach me with ideas - we're always looking to programme innovative, exciting projects and can commission also. We get Arts Council funding and can invite 'guest' artists to take part in our festivals. These usually run every July, but from the start of 2015 we'll be running 'mini-festivals' at other times of the year. Get in touch if you'd like to know more, or let me know how to promote what we do more widely. Thanks! Jonathan
Hi Jonathan, my name is Shanthini and I live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I run a theatre company- The Jumping JellyBeans- that does performances, workshops for both children and adults. Do check our blog www.thejumpingjellybeans.blogspot.com Would love to either come out there for one of your festivals or see how we can collaborate to do some work. I am very new to the site (joined 5 minutes ago) and not sure how things work with this site. So here is my email address in case I do not see your reply. thejumpingjellybeans@yahoo.com Thank you for your time. Have a great weekend.
Hi Jonathan, Don't know if this helps, but on your profile there should be a space for Links on the About tab of your profile (at the bottom of the centre column). I'm wondering if it would be worth you getting in touch with the Isle of Man Arts Council. There are some great things happening in the Amateur Dramatics scene over here, and IOM Art Council could probably help get the info about your festival to groups who might be interested. I can send you more specific info if you'd like. Hope that helps.