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By David McPete

GENRE: Drama, Comedy

A self-destructive rideshare driver with a haunted past unknowingly picks up Jesus.


It is Open Mic Night at the Comedy Club and Scott has the audience roaring with laughter. He specializes in his own thoughts and opinions regarding God and religion. Although an aspiring comedian, Scott is a troubled soul hiding a traumatic past. He is self-destructive. Following his gig, Scott ends up at another bar, this time at a poker table. Scott, a genius in many ways, counts cards for an advantage. The owner is well aware of who he is and has him roughed up to send a message. Scott struggles to his best friend's home, Winona, who reluctantly takes him in. This is not Scott's first time of showing up injured and unannounced at Winona and Bethany's home. The next morning, Scott is working his day job as a rideshare driver. Scott goes through the motions, not really paying any attention to the many characters he drives. One day, on his cell phone screen, it reads, PICK UP JESUS. Scott finds this amusing, even though he is sure the man's name is pronounced Jesús (hay-SOOS). This is the name Scott greets the man with, bringing a smile to this man's face. After few words are shared during the ride, "Jesús" thanks Scott for the ride and tells him that it was a good ice-breaker. Scott doesn't think the guy understands how rideshares go as he has never picked up the same customer two days in a row. But sure enough, JESUS is on his screen the next day - and the next - and the next, each time delving more and more into Scott's life. Scott tells Winona about picking up "Jesus", catching the attention of Bethany's critically-ill brother, Cameron. After Jesus tries to stop an ugly protest by "Christians" regarding the death of a gay man, and Scott ends up punching a police officer, the two men find themselves in jail. Scott is stunned when he is set free, along with Jesus. Winona picks them up and takes them back to her place for dinner. It is here that Jesus meets Cameron, who - unbeknownst to Scott - wants Jesus (or Jesús) to lay his hands on him in prayer. Scott catches the ending of the brief ceremony and scolds Jesús for giving Cameron false hope. Jesus tells Scott that by the very essence of the word, there is no such thing as "false hope". With Jesus words of caring for one another on his mind, Scott pulls his car over when a homeless man spills his cart of cans. People stopped by Scott's kind act honk and yell at him. Eventually, one man punches and kicks Scott for something Scott yells at him. Winona finds Scott in the hospital. She wants to know why he is so self-destructive. An argument ensues, sending Winona off in anger. Jesus shows up and tells Scott to dress warmly and come with him. They end up at the ocean, where Jesus has his first driving lesson. The next morning, Jesus tells Scott to share about his past. Scott opens up to him re. the death of his daughter, Melissa, and how he feels responsible. Jesus helps Scott to see what he needed to do. Scott meets with the man who killed his daughter - and forgives him, finds and befriends the homeless man, and shares his past with Winona. His comedy act receives an offer. Scott's life turns around as he honors Melissa. At the end, he says goodbye to Jesus, calling him by his correct name for the first time throughout the story. P.S. Cameron is healed.

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