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By Charles Valentin-Stulck

GENRE: Thriller, Action

MIDSOMMAR meets THE PURGE; After deceiving her way into a luxurious vacation with her deaf son, Regina finds herself in a MOST DANGEROUS GAME situation, but she’s the one forced to do the hunting.


REGINA (38) exercises before sunrise at the gym. A loner. Life beat her down too many times which is probably why she’s still just an assistant. She’s set for a promotion at work, but is denied due to recent layoffs. As ALISON’S (30) personal assistant she receives her boss’s cellphone, but does not tell Alison that she got it back yet. Regina receives a mysterious call from OLIVER (Australian 40s) while she pretends to be Alison over the phone that her vacation home is ready… which is fucking bullshit because she told Regina that she had to take a paycut and couldn’t get a promotion. VACATION HOME? Asshole!

Regina’s son JAX (8) is deaf. She’s a single parent, and just wants to show Jax that hard work pays off… though it hasn’t for herself. Regina blows off steam and STILL does not tell Allison about her phone or the mysterious phone call. That day, Regina realizes that they decided to go with another candidate for the promotion. That does it. Regina vulgarly quits and decides to hold onto Allison’s phone to impersonate her at her vacation home on a secluded island off of Australia. Jax and her take the private plane. YEAH!

As Regina soaks up the sun on the island, she quickly comes into contact with Oliver. He’s inviting and friendly. Luckily, Regina and Alison look similar despite their age difference, so Oliver resumes being none the wiser. He introduces Regina and Jax to the other wealthy vacationers who seem to be… chopping trees and shooting arrows? Weird, but maybe that’s how rich people do their R&R. After dinner, Jax and the other kids go to bed. Oliver leads Regina along with the other Islanders down to his basement to reveal… A set of PRISONERS that they are intended to hunt. Oh fuck… Regina really stepped in it now. Oliver releases them.

After a failed attempt and realization that Regina has no way off the island, she knows she has to keep up the facade of being Alison, or her and Jax will be killed. Jax builds friendships with the other Hunter’s kids. YIKES. And Regina pretends to be her boss WHO KILLS PEOPLE.. DRAMA! Regina hides the truth from Jax which is easy due to him being deaf. The other Kids clearly have grown up accustomed to this. On their first hunt Regina chooses not to kill one of the Prisoners which plays odd for the rest, but Regina saves her hide by claiming she didn’t want to steal someone else's kill. Good save… for now.

As Jax becomes unknowingly becomes entwined with this awful situation. Regina plots for a way to escape without going full on method with her identity theft. The island has watchtowers with armed guards that prevent Prisoners from leaving as well as making sure no one uninvited comes on. Regina attempts to use this, but keeps getting pulled away. After some disturbing visuals of kills across the island, a seaplane docks… It’s the REAL Alison. And after a brawl, Regina loses and is thrown into the cages. All she wants is her son, but the Hunters have other plans for her. They release her into the jungle now to become one of the hunted while they hold Jax back with them.

As Regina runs through the jungle island, she encounters the rest of the Prisoners and wins their trust by killing one of the Hunters. They team up and make a plan to escape by using the watchtowers to radio the outside world. The Hunters catch on and it’s a bloody massacre. Eventually, Regina gets the upperhand at the top of a watchtower and radios the outside. She realizes Oliver is gone. Her only thought is her son. She runs after Oliver only to come face to face with him in the basement. He admires her ability to exploit the weakness in his system and offers her a job. She refuses and is able to kill him. Outside, she finds her son… only to realize the other Kids have manipulated him to their side. He points an arrow at her. CUT TO BLACK.

Nate Rymer

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