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By Alan Kelley

GENRE: Romance, Fantasy

A Chinese-born girl living in American suburbia is mysteriously cast into different realities in search of her deceased childhood sweetheart.


ACT I. At the age of ten, Ivy struggles with trauma after the death of her childhood love, Aidan. This trauma catapults her into dream-like, surreal distortions of her reality. Ivy feels like an alien in this world and asks her father, George, "When are we going home?" In adulthood, Ivy finds herself somehow reborn in a corporate-dominated world, alongside aged versions of Aidan and her father. With the help of fellow dream traveler Frances, Ivy embarks on a journey of self-discovery and learns that "love allows us to cross barriers that others cannot." Even in death, love prevails. However, Ivy questions Aidan's ability to love her, as the corporation has erased his sense of individualism. Frances explains that "love has its costs, and you can lose." Despite this, Ivy refuses to believe that her mission is futile. While planning to rescue her father, who is imprisoned for protecting Ivy from corporate goons, she falls into a deep sleep and finds herself in her mother's world. Aidan follows her there, while this act convinces Ivy of his love. Ivy's mother, Sammi, believes that rescuing George from corporate bondage will restore order. She gives Ivy and Aidan split amulets, which, when combined, form an image of Black Scorpion, the entity that wove the universe into a protective blanket for humanity. Sammi offers poison to Ivy and Aidan, suggesting that their deaths may send them back to the corporate world.

ACT II. However, the rescue of George is put on hold as Ivy and Aidan find themselves in a completely different world where they are married and have daughters named Jamie and Erin. To rescue George, Jamie seeks the help of her boyfriend, Charlie, who discovers the true non-violent meaning and method of dream travel. They learn that traversing barriers to other worlds through death is corrupt, while intentional traversing can be achieved through one's dreams. Thus the expression "Dream Travelers." Together, they successfully rescue George. However, when Ivy enters the body of her counterpart in the new world, its soul is expelled and becomes a ghost named Dark Flower. Dark Flower takes back her children, once again derailing the restoration of natural order. Seeking guidance, Ivy and Aidan use the amulets to summon Black Scorpion, who only chastises them, warning them never to cross the barriers between worlds again. Ivy must then act on her own accord before their bodies decompose.

ACT III. Yet, Dark Flower intervenes once more and suggests that Sammi holds the key to restoring the natural order. Finally, the question "When are we going home?" resonates.

Tasha Lewis

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Marcel Nault Jr.

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Marcel Nault Jr.

This is more of a fantasy thriller in my eyes. I love the concept behind this!

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