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By Jack Rice

GENRE: Sci-fi

In a world of compromise, the elderly waitresses and vertically challenged manager who staff the "Last Chance Cafe maintain their standards.  Customers with good manners are free to come and go. The impolite ones are eaten and converted to the type of methane gas needed to refuel their ship and allow them to return to their home world.  "Last Chance Cafe":  Only the polite survive.


A group of elderly waitresses drive their mobile diner across the southwest in search of impolite individuals who can be eaten and converted into the high grade methane gas needed to refuel their ship and enable them to return to their home world.

At the start of the film, we are introduced to Jimmy, a young boy and his rude parents, who visit the Last Chance Cafe Diner on their way to Las Vegas. Jimmy is spared due to his inherent politeness and addiction to Emily Post, while his parents end up going the way of all flesh.

Move the clock ahead twenty years and we see that Jimmy has been elected sheriff in a rural county plagued by a series of grossly murders. Jimmy realizes that a war has started and begins to fight it with his staff of odd, though uniquely qualified deputies.

Seven one hour episodes have already been completed in the accompanying television series. On a weekly basis, viewers can look forward to seeing one evil doer after another receive their just desserts while facing the challenge of answering the etiquette question of the week.

Last Chance Cafe: Only the polite survive.


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