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By Gloria Katch

GENRE: Action, Drama

When a young mother discovers her husband is having an affair with a daughter of a mob boss he's indebted to,  she and her two twin boys hideout at a women’s shelter.  All of her courage and confidence are needed to protect her children from a dangerous life of crime when the shelter is breached by a hit woman in Hell At the Healing Shelter.


Diana thought drug rehabilitation was the answer to her husband’s and family’s marital problems. She never conceptualized getting shot at, beaten or thrown into a trunk of a car as a part of that process.

Diana’s uneventful suburban lifestyle as a medical librarian and mother of two twin eight-year-old boys alarmingly changes to hiding out at a women’s shelter after police inform her of her husband’s affair with the daughter of a mob boss from the police. However, Diana suffered through her parent’s messy divorce and swore her marriage would last forever for better or worse.

Initially, Dave demands she return home, but his attitude soon changes. In fact, he tells Children’s Aid, Diana is the one with the drug problem. Shortly after, several strange things happen.

When Diana returns home to collect some clothes one afternoon, two men attempt to kidnap her. She is beaten and thrown into a trunk of her car. Fortunately, the blaring Hip Hop music awakens her and she is able to find the tools to break the lock and escape at an intersection stop. While Diana figures her husband is behind all of this, she doesn’t report the incident to the police, because she doesn’t want her children to suffer the humiliation if he goes to jail. She also believes that once he’s clean, he’ll return to being a devoted husband and father.

Nonetheless, Diana’s faith puts her between a rock and a hard place, the mob and the detectives, both believe she knows a great deal more than she’s letting on. In exchange for information, the police will be lenient on Dave, when the undercover drug investigation goes to court. However, Diana is both skeptical and scared, unsure who to trust. So, Diana fights to protect her family from both the police and the mob. Counselling and support from everyone at the Hope and Healing Shelter offer her strength and courage. Margot, a former sex trade worker, and Hunter also know how to navigate the corrupt street scene.

In an effort to save Margot from her ex-pimp, Diana discovers they have a common enemy. The mob plants Marianna, a hit woman in shelter to kidnap Diana and make her death look like an over-dose. Then, Dave can get custody of his children, marry Francesca and continue his business partnership creating designer drugs for the mob, estimated to make millions.

One stormy night, Marianna sets the mob’s plan to kidnap her in motion, but it goes terribly awry. She stabs Marianna with a sedative, but doesn’t quite get the full dose in. Despite the power outage, Joanne, the counsellor spots the henchman in the security cameras by the back gate breaching the shelter. Marianna is forced to go to Plan B, “blow the place up”, but Hunter and Joanne get Diana out of shelter in time. As they are speeding away, Diana spots her husband’s car drive past and realizes he’s going to get her children.

Quick U-turn. Diana pulls up to the shelter as Dave and one of his bodyguards emerge from his car. She floors it, and like a freight train ploughs into them. The bodyguard is crushed dead and Dave is thrown sideways, unconscious. Her and Marianna make a deal, but the women in the shelter overpower the mobster and Diana flees the scene. She heads to her friend, Rhonda’s only to find the henchmen are there waiting for her. Fortunately, the S.W.A.T. team is only a step behind to intervene in the dangerous standoff that involves the children.

A few hours later, Diana decides to visit Dave at the hospital, only to come face to face with Francesca, who threatens to kill Diana herself when the time is right, but it's her gloating about being pregnant that causes Diana to snap.

After calmly closing the hospital room door, she turns and winds up striking Francesca in the forehead with her lucky baseball. The hard ball knocks her unconscious long enough for Diana to push her out the hospital window ten floors to the foyer roof below, unbeknownst to Dave. However, when Diana wakes him up by jamming a gun in his face and he hears he’s under investigation, he quickly cooperates. Plus, he can’t believe Diana’s transformation that surpasses every description of “a woman scorned.”

Diana erases any incriminating information from her husband’s computer. Posing as the new cook in town, she dumps the remaining designer drugs at the back of a rival cartel’s strip club for them to sample on the pretense of doing future business. They don’t realize they’re being set up. Diane only keeps enough drugs to lace several gift bottles of bourbon to poison her husband’s business partners. The rival gang is blamed for the deaths.

Despite any suspicions by the authorities, Diana cleaned up a lot of street vermin for the police, who realize they’ve underestimated this “mousy medical librarian”.

At last, Diana’s marriage and future looks safe, if not promising at least under witness protection. For a person who’s devoted to family, Diana has two families now, her biological one and the second family through The Hope and Healing Shelter. What more could a mousy medical librarian ask for?

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