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By Gloria Katch

GENRE: Comedy, Adventure

Wild Cherry Bomb is an explosive action comedy about a young and desperate thrill-seeking gambler who robs a crooked Native casino  in order to seek revenge and pay off his debts. He soon finds himself on the run from the law, the mob, his crazy mother and some strange poker-playing rednecks.  His numerous warnings to quit gambling leads to an epiphany where he gives up his demons and discovers his new addiction — stunt flying.


Wild Cherry Bomb is an exploding action comedy about Joey Buttaro, a young thrill-seeking gambler and a dysfunctional drunk, who hits rock bottom after he loses his last few dollars and is threatened by the mob. So, Joey hijacks a Brink’s truck and robs a crooked Native casino by using a bomb as a decoy. While the casino is evacuated and the police are searching for the bomb, Joey and his partners in crime waltz in the casino and out with the money. Anything can go wrong, so Joey does what he does best under stress, he drinks his way through most of the heist. In the meantime, the mob’s henchmen, who are tailing Joey are unaware he is in the middle of one of the biggest robberies in that city's history. With horseshoes-up his ass luck, Joey is able to pull off this crazy scheme, at least until Joey discovers the mob’s henchmen attempted to ransack his mother’s home. Joey gets mad; and then he gets even. With another explosive device and a plan, Joey is able to outsmart the local cronies. In the meantime the law is also looking for Joey, and despite his reluctance to leave home, he realizes it’s time to disappear.

The problem is wherever Joey goes, gambling and trouble follow. While eating at a roadside bar on his way out of state, he realizes there is a backroom poker game going on. He joins in. While he is elated to be back on a winning streak, his happiness isn’t shared. After the game, two of the hillbilly gamblers jump him, rob him and stuff Joey in his new car and drive it over a cliff. But salvation comes in the strangest of places, and for Joey it occurs hanging from a large tree his car lands in. Slipping in and out of consciousness, Joey has an epiphany. Through tears of happiness and joy he vows to quit gambling and dreams that a Native God has accepted him into heaven. In fact, Joey thinks he is in heaven and seeing a mirage when he is rescued by some naked bungee jumpers and taken to the hospital.

Carmine, Joey’s best friend, sneaks Joey out of the hospital, and they return to the roadside bar to get Joey’s money back. This becomes a difficult feat with lots of twists and turns, guns fired and Joey being hunted through some rural badlands. By now, the police are also hot on his trail. As they are ready to close in, Joey and Carmine head for a small airport and board a crop dusting plane to make their great escape.

As fate would have it, Joey spots his poker-playing thieves in their backyard. Revenge is never so sweet when it’s executed from a plane that can do loops, dive bombs and spray manure with expert precision. Their low-flying escapades leave the thieves, police authorities, house, yard and car all covered in tons of thick, wet, stinky shit. More importantly, the pilot’s wild daredevil flying is so exhilarating to a thrill-seeker like Joey, he immediately declares his gambling days are over, and stunt flying is his new addiction. It’s a happy-ever-after ending with Joey and Carmine flying into the sunset, embarking on their new lives--- a permanent vacation to Mexico where the margaritas are cold, the senoritas are hot and hopes are high for the future.

Nate Rymer

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