Post your loglines. Get and give feedback.

By PolyD Flynt

GENRE: Independent, Horror
LOGLINE: Zoe is a mature comp-sci student. 48yrs old and an amateur film + video game critic via her blog. A professional and romantic failure. When she gains telepathic abilities her situation doesn’t exactly improve.


Planning to shoot in July 2026 for around NZ$4.1k at 70mins.

Tasha Lewis

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Maurice Vaughan

Hey, PolyD Flynt. I don't understand the story from the logline. Here’s a logline template that might help:

After/when ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion), a _______ (an adjective that describes the protagonist’s personality and the protagonist's position/role) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/participates/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story) so/in order to ________ (stakes).”

The inciting incident can also be at the end of the logline: “A _______ (an adjective that describes the protagonist’s personality and the protagonist's position/role) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/participates/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story) so/in order to ________ (stakes) after/when ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion).”

And Christopher Lockhart has a great webinar on loglines. It’s called “How To Make Your Logline Attractive to A-List Actors, Producers, Directors, Managers, Agents, Financiers and Development Execs” (

Mark Deuce

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PolyD Flynt

Yeah thanks Maurice Vaughan that’s probably because I wrote the logline before I wrote the script so I don’t yet know how it really turns out. I will change it after i write it. But the plan is to write for an ultra low $4.1k budget I know vaguely where I’m going with it. But I’ll redo the logline after I’m finished writing the script.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, PolyD Flynt. Ok, cool. Looking forward to seeing the new logline and your movie!

PolyD Flynt

I will definitely have $4.1k in savings by that date so hopefully I can wrangle the people together and get it done for that budget. But I may have more because my comic, non fiction book, theatre script, animations, and patreon and a few novels will be ready for selling by jan 2025. so I may be able to shoot before july with a slightly inflated budget. Worst case scenario we’ll shoot for that budget in July of 2026.

Efrain Perez

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Marcel Nault Jr.

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