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By Anthony Murphy

GENRE: Sports, Drama

At the dawn of the 20th century, Joe Gans battles racism in and out of the ring to become the first African American world champion, while conquering the heart of Jim Crow America.

Nate Rymer

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Tasha Lewis

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Arthur Charpentier

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B A Mason

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Emily Burrage

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Marcel Nault Jr.

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Marcel Nault Jr.

You can't help but root for the underdog under extenuating circumstances, i.e. a racist "Jim Crow" America. Brilliant logline!

Anthony Murphy

Marcel Nault Jr. That's kind of you, Marcel. Thank you.

Jim Boston

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Robert Sacchi

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Colleen Aycock

Hate to bust your bubble, but where did you get your logline? Title? Because it's MINE and Mark Scott.'s. We co-authored the book in 2008, the screenplay "Joe Gans: The Old Master" and it has been scoring highly in many contests since 2022. We've been doing NPR, the Pratt Library, Reginald Lewis Museum, interviews about The Old Master, from LA to Baltimore and London, since 2008. Sorry, but you need to do your research.

Anthony Murphy

Colleen Aycock You're not busting my bubble. The title of your book is "Joe Gans." The title you claim your screenplay is "Joe Gans: The Old Master." The title of my screenplay is "The Old Master," Joe's ring name, not yours, and my logline is the one I wrote. How do you dare claim my original logline? I've never seen your script or logline. My script, synopsis, and logline are registered with both the LOC and the WGAW. Just because you wrote about Joe doesn't give you exclusive rights to his life story, so I hate to burst your bubble. I did my own research through old newspapers and other resources, like the writings of Nate Fleischer, just like you did, and have the 3x5 cards with cited sources. How dare you speak to me this way. Who the hell do you think you are? And by the way, if someone else wants to write a script about Joe Gans, they can. The nerve of you.

Anthony Murphy

Colleen Aycock I just looked up your poorly written logline on Coverfly: "Joe Gans overcomes poverty and racism to become the first African American World Boxing Champion." I stole my logline from you? Yeah, verbatim. Please!

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy

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