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By Paul Glen Neuman

GENRE: Romance, Comedy

Kevin Zugarmann copes with his wife deserting him on the day of their fifth wedding anniversary—especially devastating and humiliating considering Kevin works as a marriage counselor in Los Angeles.


Kevin Zugarmann leads a charmed life. He owns a wonderful home with a hot tub in a comfortable neighborhood. He earns a steady paycheck doing a job he loves and would probably do for free.

Where Kevin really strikes gold, though, is with Hope, his beautiful wife of five years.

All that changes on the couple's fifth anniversary when Kevin comes home with an enormous bouquet to find that Hope has left him and stripped their house bare of everything not nailed down.

Things quickly go downhill from there for the devastated Kevin. The joint bank account he shared with Hope has been drained to a zero balance. It's enough to make him cry.

Alone and in shock, Kevin spends the night with close family friend Sarah Long and her three children before returning to work the next day.

Normally, given Kevin's unexpected predicament, it would be reasonable to assume that time spent on the job could serve as a stabilizing force in his suddenly turbulent life.

Not this time. Unfortunately for Kevin, he's a licensed marriage counselor.

Immediately, it becomes clear that Hope deserting him is going to adversely affect his professional practice. The tip off comes first thing in the morning when Kevin interviews prospective new clients and breaks down in tears moments after meeting them.

Rather than reject Kevin as their marriage therapist, however, the new clients sign up for additional sessions. As bad as they feel, the fact that Kevin obviously feels worse, and isn't afraid to show it, makes them feel better.

As the day progresses, Kevin's ability to interact with his clients continues to deteriorate. Kevin finds himself having panic attacks and unable to cope with his clients' increasingly bizarre marital problems any more than he can deal with his own.

Kevin survives his first day back on the job only to have his miserable situation compounded by the discovery that Sarah's husband has deserted his wife and kids to run off with Hope, emptying their personal bank accounts, too.

Kevin also learns, when trying to purchase new clothes, that all his credit cards have been maxed out and reported stolen. Before the truth comes out, he is threatened with arrest as a thief.

Ultimately, he is set free, but not before he's introduced to a female police officer (who secretly admits she is attracted to him) and the lady cop's jealous partner.

More headaches for Kevin he doesn't need.

So, is losing Hope the worst thing that could have happened to him? Maybe.

Then again, now that his wife is gone, perhaps Kevin's about to find out that the key to repairing his broken heart is much closer than he thinks.

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