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By Paul Glen Neuman

GENRE: Romance, Comedy

After owners of a supermarket chain sponsor a contest and wind up with more Grand Prize winners than they can afford, they decide it's cheaper to hire a hit man to bump them off. Now winners Leonard and Callie are running for their lives, hoping they live long enough to fall in love.


Food Farm, a southern California grocery store chain, sponsors a contest called It's A Win-Derful Life. Grand Prize is a million dollars, plus $1000/week for twenty years. Great idea.

Until a disgruntled employee causes too many winning game pieces to be printed and It's A Win-Derful Life winds up with ten Grand Prize winners.

Leonard Spruce is one of the winners. A lovable, likable guy who's going through a contentious divorce while trying to make ends meet, Leonard is working on commission at the House of Maps when he snags It's A Win-Derful Life's Grand Prize.

Callie Zermano is another Grand Prize winner. A struggling actress looking to hit it big in Hollywood, Callie's life is a frustrating series of auditions that never go anywhere.

The remaining eight winners share something in common with Leonard and Callie—they all want their It's A Win-Derful Life prize money.

And that's the problem for Food Farm's owners, the three Gratzi brothers. Paying the winners will bankrupt their company. Not paying will vilify Food Farm in the eyes of its customers. Either way, they're screwed...until Johnny Mantel waltzes into the picture.

With ice water in his veins and an igloo for a heart, Mantel appeals to the Grazis' bottom-line mentality: Pay the Grand Prize winners and bury Food Farm, or pay Mantel a cool million dollars, plus free groceries for life, to turn the winners into losers.

The Gratzi brothers do the math and agree to Mantel's terms, unleashing Mantel on the unsuspecting Grand Prize winners who soon begin falling victim to a series of bizarre fatal accidents.

Thrown together by circumstance, and increasingly enjoying each other's company, by the time Leonard and Callie realize what the Gratzis have in store for the It's A Win-Derful Life winners, Mantel is hot on their trail looking to collect his million dollar bounty.

From a high-speed chase across Los Angeles, to a frantic pursuit along the twisting paths of the Bare Branch Ranch nudist colony, Leonard and Callie discover they have nowhere to hide as Mantel closes in for the kill.

All of which leads to a rousing climax as Leonard and Callie make a final stand on Food Farm's home turf against Mantel, the Gratzis and even Leonard's soon-to-be-ex-wife and her attorney boyfriend.

Ultimately, for Leonard and Callie, it really is a Win-Derful Life in more ways than one.

Nate Rymer

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Maurice Vaughan

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Maurice Vaughan

The concept sounds really unique, Paul Glen Neuman.

Suggestion for the logline: "Now winners Leonard and Callie are running for their lives, hoping they live long enough to fall in love." I think that part needs a better flow. Maybe "On the run for their lives, two winners try to survive long enough to fall in love."

Suggestion for the poster: Add a supermarket in the background (in the field).

Jim Boston

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Tasha Lewis

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