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By Guy O'Neal

GENRE: Animation

Two rodents whose friendship has long eroded, find themselves in a rat race...for food, survival and supremacy 


Witness the deceptive duo in all their guile and cunning glory as they employ an assortment of pranks and ingenious strategies trying to outsmart each other while living up to their motto; what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine--as they stick to their plan: Taking the bread out of each other's mouths. It's dog-eat-dog, and they often bite off more than they can chew.

The rat race for victory continues daily and nightly as they tumble in the dust, with fisticuffs, when it settles--to the victor goes the spoils. It takes sheer cunning and guile to survive.

What they have in common, is considered a capital offence between them--envy, strife, jealousy and black-and-blue with bumps.

Marcos Fizzotti

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J.B. Storey

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Heidi Schussman

I like it, but what's the end goal... the climax?

Nate Rymer

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