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By Jelica Zdravković

GENRE: Thriller, Crime

A 7-year-old boy gets kidnapped by a pantomimist girl who suffers from PTSD. As the police have no clue what happened, a psychotic former criminal will try to understand the pantomimist's mind to find a boy and get a payback for his years spent in prison.

Tasha Lewis

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Maurice Vaughan

Unique concept, Jelica Zdravković. I think your logline needs a little work. Here's a logline suggestion: "When a pantomimist girl who suffers from PTSD kidnaps a boy and police can't find him, a psychotic ex-criminal tries to understand the pantomimist's mind to find the boy and get payback for his years spent in prison."

Also, is the ex-criminal trying to get payback on a little girl? Or do you mean a young woman? I know some people mean "young woman" when they say "girl."

If you mean "young woman," my logline suggestion is "When a pantomimist young woman who suffers from PTSD kidnaps a boy and police can't find him, a psychotic ex-criminal tries to understand the pantomimist's mind to find the boy and get payback for his years spent in prison."

Or this logline: "When a female pantomimist who suffers from PTSD kidnaps a boy and police can't find him, a psychotic ex-criminal tries to understand the pantomimist's mind to find the boy and get payback for his years spent in prison."

Jelica Zdravković

Thank you Maurice Vaughan !

She is described as character in her 20s, but her style and choice of clothes is pretty childish so people think she is a young teenager, that’s why I refer to her as a “girl”. Also because of her PTSD she had never really grow and acts like a child.

But I like the idea of referring to her just like a “female” it seems closer. Thanks for the tip!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jelica Zdravković. Ok, so maybe use "female pantomimist" or "childish pantomimist." I like "childish pantomimist." I think it would really make your logline stand out.

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