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By Dathane Turner

GENRE: Sci-fi

Despite tribal conflicts and ideological strife in few surviving solarpunk cities where human beings continue to exist, a passionate Method teacher desires to create a group called House Liberty in this post-climate apocalyptic world based on egalitarianism, transparency, and cooperation leading an intertribal charge towards planet-wide restoration.


In the Solarpunk megacity of Vancouver, in the town of Triumph by the sea, the Method Disciple Thrune, a teacher of the advanced scientific practice called the Method, holds a deep worry in his heart. Along with the other two pillars, the Work and the Service, they are responsible for the shift into the solarpunk era after the Great Global Turn. Thrune fears that the divided ideological and tribal strife in this decentralized democratic world society, called the Union, will not achieve the Great Work of planet restoration because of these conflicts.

After the Turn, the world ran out of oil while the earth rose four degrees worldwide, causing the Great Heat, making seventy percent of the planet uninhabitable. Millions died while the rest of humanity relocated into megacities that operate under radically sustainable technologies for survival. This wise choice saved humanity from going into extinction While the world operates under one constitution, which is a hybrid of digital democracy and a decentralized work practice rooted in the Holacracy tradition from the pre-Turn, there is still the shadow desire for power and domination from tribal minorities in the world.

A house is a coterie of like-minded people who share meaning and values in how they approach life. When enough houses that share this common cultural vision come together in a hemisphere, the Union recognizes them as a grand house. When you find great houses in all four hemispheres, they elevate to tribe status. Presently there are seven tribes in the world, and these tribes have their ideas for how the world needs to be. Among these tribes, the Superion Tribe desire to bioengineer Homo Sapien 2.0 and lead the world toward the next stage of evolution, while the Cyberion Tribe wishes to download human consciousness into a mainframe and achieve technological mastery and immortality. Both feel their understanding of human ascension is the correct understanding as opposed to the rest of the tribal world, which the Disciple and Solarian rebuff. The Disciple/Solarian Tribes (also known for their close interrelationship as the Great Daoist Tribe) push for outer harmony and sustainable practice with inner transformation eventuating towards psychological and societal awakening of the here and now. The Daoist teaches about the Great Mind, the collective consciousness that emerges from the decentralized Work operations of the Union's citizenry and how it will save them from ultimate catastrophe. They feel that this is the correct path. The majority of Union citizens embrace this view. So, while global citizens from different houses, and tribes, work side by side to make a better world, these ideological and tribal conflicts undermine their perceived harmony and foster the slow descent toward civil war.

This decline is unfortunate because the world continues to grow hotter as the populations in the megacities around the globe continue to increase, pressing the need for earth-shattering emergent breakthroughs to halt these two colliding trains. Thrune feels that this solution can only come when everyone comes together in their hearts to solve the tremendous impending calamity of human civilization. Hence, among the shadow plays and covert dealings, Thrune desires to create a cultural house of cooperation, transparency, and egalitarianism where members from different tribes can work together, under one global tribe, towards the common cause of planetary restoration and inner cultivation.

Most will find this goal laughable as the season progress, while others find it threatening. Nevertheless, pooling from pre-Turn American history, Thrune desires to establish what he calls House Liberty. So the World of Tomorrow is a Solarpunk TV Sci-fi series that operates from a place of quiet dramatic interactions as seen in TV soap operas but at a level of sophistication that one finds in shows like the West Wing and Game of Thrones. This is my vision for the World of Tomorrow. A professional script editor is reviewing my series bible. Stay tuned!

Nate Rymer

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Marcos Fizzotti

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Tasha Lewis

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Kimberly Kradel

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Maurice Vaughan

A Solarpunk Vancouver. Cool, Dathane Turner. :)

You did a nice job on the synopsis. It's interesting and you described the story universe well. As I read the synopsis, I thought, "This sounds like a Sci-Fi version of GAME OF THRONES." I just suggest breaking the synopsis up into smaller paragraphs so it's easier to read.

Your synopsis has some great elements about the story, protagonist, and story universe. I think you should hint at some of those elements in the logline. Stage 32 members can go to this project page and read the synopsis to learn more about the story, protagonist, and story universe, but when you pitch your series to a producer, production company, studio, etc., (sometimes) you'll only have a chance to pitch your logline, so your logline needs to have more information about the story, protagonist, and story universe. If your logline doesn't have that information, the producer, production company, etc. probably won't read your synopsis to find out that information.

Hope this helps.

Dathane Turner

Ahh that's everyone. And thank you, Maurice. Let me do that, I will rewrite the logline. I appreciate your thoughts.

Dathane Turner

My old logline was written such: Despite tribal conflicts and ideological strife, one house leads the charge for planet-wide restoration. I received comments that this was not specific enough.

New logline: Despite tribal conflicts and ideological strife, Method teacher Thrune desires to found a house based on egalitarianism, equality, transparency, and cooperation, which will lead an intertribal charge toward planet-wide restoration.

I am curious about what people think about the new logline.

Dathane Turner

By the way, Maurice, your comment, "this sounds like a Sci-Fi version of GAME OF THRONES," is accurate. While individuals operate under a post-TURN constitution that decentralizes power in organization space (using Holacracy language), in Tribe space, people are free to organize themselves into groups that share their values. Interestingly, these tribes do not hold operational power to get work done but do hold cultural power. From these houses and tribes, proposals for changes in the Union can arise from their house gatherings and personally from the individual. It is unconstitutional for a house/tribe to force an individual to bring forth a proposal, but this rule is broken more and more during these times. In addition, proposals must undergo a consent-based decision-making process at the organizational level, and these organizations are made of interconnected circles, forming a Union society. These circle memberships are historically diverse, with members from all different tribes. Tribes like the Superions and Cyberions have been tampering with this policy, especially in their human ascension circle projects, where circles comprise members from the same house. Such behavior, while not unconstitutional, raises a red flag for other tribes in the Union to keep a close eye on these divergent tribe/organizations.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Dathane Turner. I just replied to your message.

Arthur Charpentier

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