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By Gregory Barone

GENRE: Not selected

A story of mine.




Gregory Barone

An old man sits in front passenger seat of a car alone on a rainy day looking the windshield at an old mural that is mostly worn and faded by age, the wiper would go up and down showing the mural in better detail.

A young girl opens the drivers door of the car and steps in ‘ok gramp’s, I got all the stuff we need.’ she puts a full bag of stuff on the back seat of the car ‘Has anyone told you about the the man in the mural.’ the old man spoke and the young girl looked at him and then the mural ‘Just that a local painter did it a long time ago, Why?.’ the old man turns to her ‘Then no one told about the incident that happened all those many years ago.’ she stares blankly at him ‘ The incident! what incident?.’

the town of Willowfoot. 1953 june 7th major storm, rosenberg trial, song

the girl- like to take pictures

the young boy- a bit troublesome

the dad & mom- dad a steel worker, mom a textile worker

the outsider- mechanic/artist (black?)

the nerd- knows all things space.

the mayor- a real jerk with power

the mayor’s son- a real jerk

the sheriff- works for the mayor, knows the dad,

the factory owner- friend of the dad.

the man in black and thugs- after alien

the military- after alien

the alien- quite tall with dark brown hair and cloths are white with prismatic shine.

theme - community

the panic ringing of a old alarm clock and

the ship (UFO) crashes during a storm, it looks like a big round hard candy, liquid morphing door.

the factory mite close

alien ask’s for help from the boy who takes stuff from the junkyard autosalvge the outsider works at, the boy get caught and brings the outsider, the girl, and mom and dad to the alien. the girl, the dad and mom, the outsider. greetings friends with left hand, shows town folk a hologram. men in black and the army come, roswell could happen there.

alien goes back to space with the power of a drag motor and a dynamo, only room for one on the ship

town saved/factory stays

Alien mural shown. star man song

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