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By Nick Brengle

GENRE: Sci-fi, Drama

In the wake of their father’s death, an estranged daughter makes her way back to her childhood farm, and with the help of her humanoid brother, they unfold their father’s labyrinth on artificial intelligence.


Set when the technology boom has come to a bust, Evelyn’s father is still trying to redeem himself, even though he’s dead. Evelyn returns home to find nothing has changed and her robot of a brother is carrying out the directions from her father’s will. As science and nature collide during her stay, she soon realizes this was the birthplace of Singularity all along.

Singularity is about the never-ending pursuit of “happiness”, knowing that we may likely never find what it is we hope to seek. Through creation, discovery, exposure to the world around us, and a constant stream of hope embedded within the human experience. These ideas are made evident in Singularity while only giving you a brief glimpse into this particular family.

Alan(Brother) is a guide for Evelyn. Not bound by choices of the heart, Alan serves. His purpose is ever-changing.

Isabella(Mother) is a portrait of unimaginable sorrow. She is meant to plant seeds of hope within Evelyn and Alan. Journal entries, memories brought back to life, and to see the impact she had on everyone in this family.

John(Father) is the cliche. The parent that worked too hard, drank a bit too much, neglected his family, and spent the better part of his life chasing his own dreams at the expense of everyone he cared for most.

Preshia McNair

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