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By Shaun Simpson

GENRE: Thriller

Two point four is a family thriller on the hunt for new parental role models. The children introduce themselves through the guise of kidnapping and posting Jake's wife's blood-covered mobile through the letterbox. Now they just have to convince them the only way they know how.


Late for her return from a business trip, Jake tries to contact Lackra but instead of Lackra a sinister laugh replies to his concerns.

Later that evening Lackra still hasn’t returned home so a knock at the door instantly sets alarm bells ringing in Jake's head. However, after finding no one at the door he discovers Lackra’s blood-stained mobile phone on the floor of the hallway. Panicked, he tries to call the police but the phone lines have been cut and the mobile phone has no battery.

With no means of calling for help, he decides on making a run for it to get help. However, on checking the front garden he spots two children walking up the footpath towards his house. Now as much concerned for the children’s safety as his own he rushes out towards them and takes them to his nearest neighbours.

One of the boys pushes the neighbour down the stairs, and Jake is knocked unconscious. On waking he finds himself back in his own house tied to a chair. It is eventually revealed to him that Lackra is actually still alive.

When the neighbour is found and police are called in the boys decide it's time to take their new family on a test drive to their home which is an isolated, long abandoned holiday camp.

As they make their escape from the police, Jake's close friend comes around to borrow some camera equipment. The boy's instincts are to respond the same way to him as the next-door neighbour and the police officer questioning the neighbours by killing them. Jake manages to convince them not to however by getting rid of him.

His friend thinks there might be something wrong and decides to follow them as they make good their escape.

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