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Living in a paperless society with the penalty of being sold as human salvage comes upon a man they call the Historian: after his large library is discovered, and this sends him and his large family to the chopping block: THE GALAXY GAMES.
Similar to Soylent Green and other apocalyptic sci-fi thrillers.
All non-global citizens, Slaves, Prisoners are all subject to seizure and capture to face the horrors of the new world that feasts off of the bloody gladiatorial style games set to the high-tech appetites of the elite and their spoiled fat children.
Here in this fearful new world is a Paperless Society where all paper products are outlawed and anyone and everyone who is caught with a book, sheet of paper, TP, etc. is sent into The Cycle where their fate will be determined: some become human salvage where their whole being is torn apart and sold to the highest bidder.
Other older human salvage victims are turned into human oils that are sold wholesale to the highest bidder. And then if you are lucky you will be sold as a robot slave where you get a robot AI attachment that is forced over your shaved head and the real you is destroyed and the new you becomes whatever your owner decides and or what he or she wants you to be: they use a remote controlled device that controls you totally.
if you are most fortunate you will be chosen for the gladiator games where you fight to the death with men, women, dwarfs, AI controlled robots, hideous wild hybrid animals of all types and this is where our story begins.
When George Jones´ large Historian Library is discovered is arrested and his large extended family are all sold as salvage to the highest bidder. His wife and kids are sold and the mind- altering computer controllers which are placed on their heads as he is forced to watch. Then he views in pain as his parents and grandparents are thrown into a large rendering plant and are turned into human oils.
Then he is sold to a masked man who purchases him to be his gladiator slave and is flown off world to an extensive training camp along with hundreds of others. Here we meet other galaxy games participants and their backstories.
The Historian must find a way to survive the games so that he can purchase back his wife and kids
as only those who survive to their 12th game wins their freedom, and so far, no one has ever won theirs.
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