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By Mike Henry

GENRE: Sci-fi, Horror

After running from bullies during a neighborhood kids snowball fight, young Matthew Menard is abducted in front of his best friend Emily and she's pretty sure it was an alien that snatched him.


Matthew and Emily are best friends. They live across the street from each other. As Matthews busy father works from home one winter day, he allows a well-bundled Matthew to go down the tree-lined path to the local ballfield to have a snowball fight with friends. As older kids arrive, they start throwing snowballs at the little kids, mostly in a playful manner.

Matthew and Emily escape to the treeline just in time to avoid anything serious. A man walking a dog warns them that coyotes sometimes travel the path, and to be extra careful. As the kids leave and the man walks on, he notices some metallic junk under a blanket of snow nearby. The metal looks pretty fancy to be leaving around, but he just assumes its the towns DPW leaving things around.

The kids start to head home, because its getting darker outside, and the snow from a nearby snowstorm is picking up again. As Matthew lags behind, Emily turns around to tell him a secret.

She witnesses in a swirl of snow, and something thin and tall, lanky, with a large head. It looks sorta like its wearing the same bug-eyed glasses as one of the teenager bullies they just escaped from. But the look of fear on her best friends face lets her know its more serious. He disappears into the cloud of swirling snow as she screams in terror and runs as fast as her little kid legs can manage.

Hours later, police have searched the area, and are questioning the families, searching for any type of lead. Emily's mom decides its her duty as friends with the family that are suffering over the loss of Matthew has to at least tell the truth. Give them some idea what might've happened. Her husband doesn't agree. But she goes anyway.

Walking across the street, she's nervous, but if it helps them all find her daughters best friend Matthew then she doesn't care if she sounds crazy.

As soon as the words come out of her mouth, in front of the detective and the mother of the missing child, she regrets it and retreats. Matthew's father had seen something strange earlier in the week. A moment alone with the detective, he reveals seeing what he thought might've been a heron type bird sitting in the bough of a nearby tree as Matthew went to bed. The shape wasn't quite right.

The man with the dog catches the report of a missing kid right in his neighborhood while eating his microwave dinner. Looking up from his television, he sees the occasional flare of a red emergency light from down the street. He grabs his coat, knowing the general direction where the boy went missing. His dog comes with him. The dog had smelled the children earlier in the day when he ran into them.

He goes back to the area, and the dog picks up a scent. As he does Matthews father and the detective are slogging through the winter snow almost aimless or on instinct. When they all meet up, the dog leads them further up hill.

At the top of the hill, they find Matthew sitting with his back against a large tree, freezing in the snow. The dog licks his face.

The man with the dog takes a look over to the side where the "DPW metal heap" was, and sees that not only is it missing, but there's a 30' perfect circle burned into the ground from where a spaceship lifted off.


I have ideas how to turn it into a feature film.

Marcos Fizzotti

Mike, you got a real good material in your hands, a very unique concept. But the logline is a bit long, more like a synopsis. Here's a suggestion: 'When two (adjective) children run away from a snowball fight, the young girl witnesses her best friend get grabbed by what appears to be a grey alien. Now she has to convince her parents and the local law to look into the bizarre abduction before more people disappear.'

Oleh Holyzov

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Mike Henry

Marcos Fizzotti thank you for your help! That's a great suggestion. I'm just getting back to this stuff. I think I know the rest of the story a bit better. I was attempting to write the script so I could shoot this winter, but with the actors strike taking so long to get resolved, I couldn't earn enough money for a budget.

I appreciate the help everytime! and any recommendations....

Marcos Fizzotti

Always a pleasure to help, Mike.

Tasha Lewis

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