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By Thomas J Douglass

GENRE: Thriller, Drama

An alien craft takes control of one of America’s nuclear launch facilities, prompting the U.S. President to launch an investigation into a secret military-industry cabal that is hiding extra-terrestrial spacecrafts and alien bodies. 


“RECOGNITION” is a feature-length TV pilot for a dramatic series that fictionalizes current and past events involving UFOs, UAP’s, and paranormal anomalies. While it is aimed at the “X-Files” audience, the script derives from purely original characters and storylines. (This pilot script was completed approximately one month prior to the News Nation interview with UFO whistleblower, David Grusch.)

The principal characters in the story are the sitting president of the United States, Xavier Lancaster, the first lady and their son, Jeremy. Jeremy is in the Southwestern Australian outback working on his PhD in Anthropology. His thesis is on the Noongar indigenous tribe and he is being mentored by a Noongar tribal shaman. Of special interest to Jeremy is the phenomenon of ‘dreamspeak’, or telepathic communication, which the Noongar people cultivated centuries earlier to communicate remotely over long distances.

In one of their group mentoring sessions, Jeremy has a mystical experience which is followed up later that evening by a visionary dream, or ‘dreamtime’. In the dreamtime, Jeremy sees his father wedged between ominous military vehicles on one side and a mysterious circular airborne craft with rotating lights on the other side. When he returns to his normal state of consciousness, he is so alarmed that he immediately phones home and relays the experience to his mother in the White House.

Later that night, at 2:00 AM MST, at Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming, an airborne triangular-shaped object suddenly appears, hovering over the nuclear launch facility. The base security force scurries about, trying to make sense of what is going on. Moments later, in an underground nuclear launch center, twenty missiles go offline. They’ve lost control of the nukes. Then the missiles inexplicably go into a ninety-second countdown.

The base commander is alerted and he quickly goes through the chain-of-command to inform the president. In the White House, President Lancaster has the nuclear football rushed into his bedroom. Just when it appears that global catastrophe is imminent, the countdown stops at zero minus five seconds. All systems return to normal.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs reports to the president later that day, but President Lancaster realizes that he’s covering something up. He sends his own team of investigators out to Warren AFB and they discover that an unidentified anomalous craft was apparently responsible for the takeover of the nukes.

Lancaster has been a skeptic all of his life about the subject of UFOs and ETs. But now he has to adjust his thinking about the subject. An unexplained anomalous craft was apparently responsible for a monumental security breach, one which could have resulted in Armageddon. Lancaster reaches out to a trusted old schoolmate to advise him, who has devoted many years to the investigation of unidentified anomalies. In a private conference held at Camp David, Lancaster is initiated into the world of unidentified anomalies. His UAP advisors allege that there is a secret cabal comprised of current and former Department of Defense officials and private aerospace executives that have a collection of alien crafts in a secret underground base along with alien bodies. The primary motive for the decades-long coverup is supposedly to protect work on reverse-engineering alien antigravity technologies.

Meanwhile, back in Southwestern Australia, a primary school playground is visited by a saucer-shaped disc that lands just beyond the perimeter of the schoolgrounds. When children rush over to investigate, they are greeted by two alien beings. One of the teachers witnesses the craft, but not the beings. The children tell him that the aliens spoke to them telepathically, warning them that the earth is in danger, that our planet might die.

Jeremy learns about the incident on the news and rushes out to the rural town to investigate. He is especially interested in the alleged event because it aligns with the premise of this thesis: telepathic communication. When he finds the teacher, he learns that a group of men came out to his house and threatened him, warning him not to speak about the incident to anyone.

Jeremy has another intense dreamtime vision where he witnesses images that threaten the earth. He seeks counsel from the Noongar shaman, who explains that he has been chosen by the council of ascended elders to fulfill an important role; to speak to the world on their behalf. He puts his thesis on hiatus and returns to Washington where he moves into the White House.

President Lancaster is now faced with some difficult decisions. He feels he must disclose some of this to the public, but what and when? He is still not convinced about the existence of the secret cabal. If it does exist, he needs to be fully informed. He is, after all, the commander in chief. Who’s in charge…the duly-elected public officials or some secretive cabal? Is there actually a secret military and a secret government operating right under his nose? If so, what are their intentions? What might this mean for national security and defense? If there are aliens visiting us, do they pose a threat?

After announcing the formation of PARA, the ‘Public Anomaly Reporting Agency’, a new, civilian-run agency that is to work closely with AARO, its Department of Defense counterpart, he experiences blowback from his own party. With midterms looming, will they become the party of “little green men?”

His son Jeremy is more concerned about the messaging that appears to be coming from the aliens, by way of his dreamtime visions and personal investigations. Are the aliens a danger to us, or are we a danger to them? What are they trying to tell us? Are they warning us that we’re a danger to ourselves? Are the people of the earth headed for a monumental catastrophe? Are the aliens just waiting for us to destroy ourselves and our planet before taking control over the earth?

President Lancaster has to navigate the nation through a paradigm. One thing is for sure in his mind. If these alien crafts and bodies do exist, he’s going to get to the bottom of it, along with exposing the secret cabal that has been hiding them.


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