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By Thomas J Douglass

GENRE: Romance, Comedy

Old world traditional values collide with Gen Z reality when Ravi’s girlfriend, Sammi, takes over management of his family’s Indian restaurant business. 


Ravi and Sammi are dating; secretly dating that is. Sammi is single but Ravi is married to a woman he rarely sees. Their marriage was arranged by their two traditional Indian families. Divorcing your spouse in an arranged marriage is extremely difficult because it casts shame on both families. But this is America, Chicago, Illinois to be more precise, and Ravi longs to get out of his marriage and marry for love.

Ravi’s family owns ‘The Taj’, the only Indian restaurant on Michigan Avenue. Ravi’s father, Arjuna, is preparing to open a second location in Skokie, so he needs to hire someone to manage his flagship location downtown. Ravi convinces Sammi to apply for the job. With her Master’s degree in business, she certainly qualifies. Ravi sees this as the perfect opportunity to be able to see Sammi every day and also to introduce her to his family to help pave the way for divorcing his wife.

In her interview with Arjuna, sparks fly, from both generational and gender-based disparities. But nonetheless, Sammi is hired to manage The Taj.

The sparks at Sammi’s interview were just the beginning. Arjuna and Sammi see eye-to-eye on practically nothing. He’s an old-world Indian Archie Bunker and she’s a proud, progressive Gen Z feminist. But Ravi’s mother, Lakshmi, manages to keep everything on an even keel.

Sammi is high-tech. She describes the restaurant office as the ‘wayback machine’. Arjuna is stuck on traditional ways, both his Indian values and his 1970’s management systems.

Never a dull moment at The Taj, now that Sammi has taken over.


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