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By Rufus Chaffee

GENRE: Sports, Drama
LOGLINE: Ultra runner Evan Lloyd aspires to win Western States, the most prestigious 100 mile race in the world, but must learn how to be vulnerable and lean on others to have any chance at success in the race and life.


Ultra runner EVAN aspires to win Western States, the most prestigious 100 mile race in the world, but thinks he can do everything in life all by himself. After landing a 1 in a million chance entry, Evan quickly learns he must lean on his best friend JASON as pacer and ultra running legend ANN as coach to not only have a shot at winning, but to be vulnerable and a better partner to his new love interest GRACE. As the going gets tough and quitting would be the easiest path, will Evan find a reason to push forward and see things through or give up and walk away like he’s always done?

Marcos Fizzotti

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