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After surviving a bomb explosion, a ruthless vigilante goes on a revenge manhunt for five ring-leaders of a militant terrorist group, one of whom happens to be his brother.
OTIS LOVEJOY returns to his hometown of Futa Mallon, in Nigeria, having been away for five years in America. He is disillusioned with no prospects of what awaits him in the future.
He returns home to find out that things have changed. His young brother, had left home to join a militant terrorist group called the Black Path.
Otis resumes his relationship his former girlfriend, SYBIL, a local school teacher. They visit a marketplace in Minna one afternoon, and a bomb explodes, killing hundreds, including her.
Otis wakes up in a hospital, and later gets interrogated by a police detective, TREVOR ADAMU, who informs him of the Black Path’s responsibility in the bomb explosion, and of the militant group’s five leaders, one of who is his younger brother, JOSHUA, nicknamed Ishmael.
Otis returns home to recover. He later takes on the role of a vigilante out on revenge. He seeks out and murders the Black Path’s leaders, unaware the actual leader, a fugitive figure named KHADIRI has been steering him along towards the impending climax with his brother.
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