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An animal-loving, (bunny-obsessed), AirBnB hostess is forced to take her plant-based passion to the extreme when a young, charming, carnivorous lawyer comes to stay at her remote Catalonian villa.
Trude is a devout animal lover; a vegan, earth mother, and paragon of all that is righteous; living in a grand and beautiful villa in the Catalonian countryside, just outside Barcelona. But when she welcomes her next guest, Joe, into her home, she finds him and his cohort at odds with all that she believes in, and a sinister side to Trude starts to emerge, exposing a series of mysterious murders, a tangled web of chequered pasts, and a frozen pet rabbit.
After the marriage to her husband abruptly ends, Trude takes charge of their unique (AirBnB-style) villa, where meat-eating guests are treated to a taste of their own medicine. To date, Los Mossos (the local police) have not connected the mysterious deaths of around 20 tourists with the couple, who happen to legally possess high quantities of a strong tranquiliser (used by vets and them, to humanely euthanise any of her 30 pet rabbits that falls ill). One evening, Trude takes it upon herself, at her dinner party, to murder the owner of Barcelona’s hottest new steakhouse, the Catalan farmers who supply the meat and their lawyer (a former lover). In the process, however, instead of poisoning the lawyer, Trude accidently kills Joe, her Irish guest, who, despite his taste for steak, she had taken a shine to.
As the last to see the restaurant owner alive, the lawyer becomes prime suspect number one, while Trude hides away with Joe’s body in his room, with the door locked and the air-conditioning on full. The B story is a love story between Trude and Joe, in her mind’s eye. Now that he doesn’t eat meat anymore, he is the almost perfect catch. As this otherwise enviable relationship blossoms, the investigation into the self-serving, rotten lives and last movements of the deceased and suspects continues.
The chief of local police has been trying to catch the tourist killer for most of his career and, due to a long-running feud between him and the lawyer, he builds a case against him and convinces his colleagues he is guilty. The lawyer is on the cusp of being charged with the murder, just as the remains of two adults and are found in the wreck of a 4-wheel drive in the Catalonian hills. The deceased are the farmers who supplied their meat to the restaurant (and the rabbit they stole, for fun). The rabbit remains lead the police to Trude’s villa and she becomes a person of interest. Her last guests arrive – parents with two children who are to star in a government-led Be Vegan campaign. Trude is happy to welcome them, but she isn’t aware they are just actors and not, in fact, vegan at all. At one of Trude and Joe’s “cheese and wine date nights” she is interrupted by the lawyer, on a quest to expose her as the real killer. The lawyer confronts Trude and discovers Joe’s body. The pair get into a scuffle and the lawyer falls onto Joe’s body and gets stabbed by a cheese knife Trude had taped to his hand. Trude’s fantasy world collapses. She seals the door to the room containing the bodies, then calmy goes about her business and the police close in around her. Realising his mistake in framing the lawyer, the chief of local police calls Trude and to reveal she is a suspect and convince her to turn herself in. Trude reminds him that in order to charge her for the murders, there need to be bodies; there needs to be proof. She is a good person.
Following a very successful day of filming, the actor “parents” have gone out to dinner and Trude is babysitting the two actor children. She is reading them a bedtime story (Alice in Wonderland) when a rabbit jumps off the bed, swiftly followed by Marco, who is always in and out of rooms he shouldn’t be in, switching lights on and off, stealing the rabbits’ clothes. In the final scene, we follow this little boy running playfully up the stairs, flicking lights on and off, flushing toilets before turning the air conditioning OFF.
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