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By Andy Davie

GENRE: Thriller

Abigail drives into the night and crashes into an isolated cottage, where she finds a skeleton, a fortune and a world full of danger.  


Learning that her boss and lover for the last eighteen months is married, Abigail West drives into the night to clear her mind and escape her pain. What she finds is the beginning of a mystery. She loses a battle with rain washed roads and tear filled eyes, crashing her car into the conservatory of what appears to be an abandoned cottage. Dazed and hurting she falls into a brief sleep before attempting to go for help. An out of service phone booth, bare feet, a five mile walk, and the immanent return of the night’s storm, send her back to the refuge of the cottage.

Exploring the house she soon discovers the bones of who she assumes is the owner in an upstairs bedroom. The dried skeleton and a pile of unopened mail seem to indicate no one cared to come looking. She also discovers that there’s a huge bank account providing automatic payment of bills, as well as unsigned bank and credit cards. Desperate, out of work, and alone, she decides to stay on, posing as the owner’s girlfriend, for just a short time, while using the shelter she has stumbled into.

Days later her best friend convinces her that she must look for the owner’s relatives, and confirm there really is nobody left to care. Abigail's search leads her to a brush with murderous gangsters. She escapes with the help of someone she’s only met briefly near the cottage. However, Abigail’s saviour turns out to be a real threat and the romance she had hoped would blossom, quickly evaporates. Once again her world is turned upside down when her new lover attacks her. He turns out to be the real and very much alive, owner of the cottage. Her life in peril again, she uses her womanly charm in a bid to survive, but resorts to killing in a somewhat unusual manner. Having disposed of the body, Abigail is about to run, but is left with the key to a multitude of possible futures.

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