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By Ryan Gibbons

GENRE: Fantasy

Season 2 has 8 scripts.


Episode 1| DEFENDERS OF THE NEW DAWN: Rangers led by Clan King Ulliem Allister ride into the west to defend a school of magic left vulnerable by the fall of Durin's Shield.

Episode 2| THE HEART OF BLACKWOOD: While investigating the source of unrest in Blackwood, the Rangers are abducted by a mysterious vagabond band, and an unexpected visit from Valdroth in Dwofu City gives the Dwarves new purpose.

Episode 3| MIDNIGHT NOCTURNAL: The Rangers and Nocturnal find a Valdrothian training ground in the western hills, while Valdroth arrives in Valen for a banquet.

Episode 4| FOLLOW THE NIGHTINGALE: After Valen, General Sil Breeg relentlessly pursues the Rangers and Nocturnal.

Episode 5| EDGE OF THE BLADE: With Valdroth's army marching on the eastern capital, Elias and Narolin trek into the desert seeking a hermit with knowledge of the artifact they carry.

Episode 6| WINTER SUN: The Eastern Kingdom's fate rests on the shoulder of King Donalbain and Magnus while Elias and Narolin brave the Horse Hills on their way to join the battle against Valdroth's army.

Episode 7|NIGHTSHADE: Civil unrest in Valdrothian occupied Herandia sends many to Alhara as prisoners for execution. Elias and Narolin hatch a plan to help their friends but must avoid the trap of a Temptress.

Episode 8| DRAGON'S BREATH: Destinies collide in Alhara. (Season Finale)

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