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After being falsely accused of murder, an actor who six months prior, was teaching inmates acting where he is now incarcerated, is targeted and brutally attacked. With the help of his workshop friends he hatches a revenge plan against all four attackers, while trying desperately to clear his name.
DANNY is an actor who takes part in an experimental program to teach acting to inmates of a local federal prison. While inside, he clashes with one of the prisoners, JERRY, and he is nearly shanked. After being convicted of a murder he didn’t commit, he is incarcerated in the same prison where all the inmates he taught, including Jerry are still serving time. Once on the inside, he tells his story to his former acting group buddies and reveals that he accidentally hit a woman with his car but the woman’s lover, who was married to a politician and didn’t want anyone to know that she was a lesbian, lied under oath and claimed that he purposely swerved his car to hit her. He hires a private investigator as well as a lawyer to help prove his innocence.. Although the PI is long gone, his lawyer continues to work on his appeal pro bono.
Danny is attacked and raped in prison, Jerry being behind the whole thing to get revenge on him for their earlier altercation. Danny hatches a plan, and with the help of his workshop friends, he is able to get his own revenge on all four men involved.. Including killing the prison kingpin GIGOLO, who raped him, and frame Jerry to take the rap for it. The warden suspects Danny but can’t prove it and lets him know that he’ll be watching him from now on. In the mean time, one of his friends on the inside has used his own connection to prove that the witness lied and Danny is proven innocent and released. . He goes on to gain a role in a soap opera and win an Emmy
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