The Magic IF Posted on June 7, 2014 by Dennis Rodriguez In the early 1900’s, playwright, actor, director and administrator at the Moscow Art Theatre, Constantin Stanislavski wrote the trilogy that would become the basis for actor training programs and for the development of techniques used by Dustin Hoffman, Robert Deniro, Al Pacino, Marlon Brando and millions of “method” actors for the next 100 years. His three volumes were aptly titled An Actor Prepares, Building a Character and Creating a Role. Stanislavski’s goal was to develop a system that would consciously harness the powers that were thought to be uncontrollable- Mainly that of emotional states and inspiration. Prepare, Build and Create. Was Stanislavski a precursor to the new thought manifesters of today? He would tell his fellow actors “Believe in the possibility of events.” Stanislavski had a name for the process of imagining what an actor would do in a character’s position- The Magic IF. The “Magic IF” transforms the character’s [soul’s] objectives into yours. You determine what someone in that expansive situation might feel, and you present that to your spectators. You embrace a supposition and in that embrace, you start to spontaneously feel the motivations of the character. You start to think the character’s [soul’s] thoughts and when the curtain comes down, you call this process inspired acting. In Conversations with God, it is written that the fastest way to manifest a new way of being is to reverse the process of thought, word, and action. Act as if you are already the person you wish to become. Act as if you are certain of your destination. Act as if you are enjoying the journey every step of the way. When you act “as if”, you then start to speak as if you are the epitome of your wildest dreams. The mind then has to grapple with a new reality driven by your actions and new thoughts follow suit. Is this the same as “fake it till you make it”? Yes, but there is nothing fake about your imagination coming alive with the wonderment and awe of possibilities. What’s fake is the story that limits the imagination to the moments that have been instead of the moments that can be. When I have acted as if I am a successful author and coach, I prepare by taking classes to hone my skills, I create by diving into new marketing technologies. I build my character by showing up every day and sitting with the struggle and the flow, the disappointments and the celebrations, the ambiguity and the clarity. When I act as if, I don’t wait till someone tells me that the first page I have written of my book is good enough for me to continue, I write 200 pages without second guessing. I tweet every day and start a new blog. I post on Itunes and share my passions. When I act as if, sooner or later I am not acting, I am being. Dennis Rodriguez is an acting coach and author of the Super Human Effect: My Quest for the Moment When Everything Changes.