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By Teri Bayus

GENRE: Mystery, Comedy

This serial stars a hitman hiding from his life of crime, inside a small gated private community feels compelled to kill neighbors who break the Homeowners Association (H.O.A.) rules.


Comps – Better Call Saul, Barry, & Community

This serial stars a Hitman hiding from his life of crime, inside a small gated private community feels compelled to kill neighbors who break the HOA rules. But his neighbor, a state park ranger (and his romantic interest) is an ex-FBI trying to figure out who the murderer is to get back into the FBI. During the first season, all the Board Members are suspect, we watch as the lead tries to fit in in normal society.

William Gunn

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William Gunn

Very interesting!!!! I'm not so fond of my HOA!!!!

Nathaniel Baker

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