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By Richard Alan Wamsley

GENRE: Adventure, Comedy, Historical

When a publicity seeking Chicago pen millionaire and his daredevil pilot hunt for a mysterious mountain higher than Everest, the deadly curse of the peak seems to shadow them from the start.


Today, Mt. Everest is known as the world’s highest mountain, but rumors persisted for years of a forbidden and mysterious mountain that was higher. Natives there say it’s cursed and for anyone that goes near, the mountain will bare its wrath. Death has come to those trying to go near it or climb it. Its name: Anyemaqen.

In 1948, an expedition sponsored by Life magazine is sent to far Western China using a converted B-52 bomber named “The Explorer.” Its outfitted with state of the art radar and aerial cameras. Legendary mountaineer and map maker Brad Washburn, the expedition leader, would then photograph the peak.

Milton Reynolds, a colorful millionaire from Chicago who has made his fortune selling pens, underwrites the trip and brings his fearless pilot, Bill Odom, who recently broke Howard Hughes around-the-world speed record.

Right from the start, Reynolds's ego turns into a series of battles with Washburn. This expedition is not going to be a walk in the park.

To make matters even more interesting, China is engaged in a civil war with Mao Tse-tung and Chiang Kai-shek fighting it out with each other. The Communists thought the expedition was really an excuse to hunt for uranium to build atomic weapons.

When Reynolds makes it to China, his “Space Pens” which literally caused a stampede at Gimbels in New York, elicit the same response in Shanghai. Reynolds is sponsoring the expedition for two reasons: to hawk his pens and crazily (not a chance) convince the Chinese government to rename Anyemaqen Mt. Reynolds after he finds it. His ego knows no bounds.

Reynolds and Odom try to find Anyemaqen on their own in the middle of the night and become hopelessly lost. When they return to China, they are placed under house arrest. They are able to slip away and return to the states, Reynolds's image a little tarnished now.

Washburn and Moon Chin, one of China's best pilots finally locate Anyemaqen but sadly its height is much lower than Everest. The long term rumors of a mountain higher than Everest are finally put to rest.

Some men's ambitions are as lofty as Everest. Milton's Reynolds showed no bounds as far as that want. He wanted to write himself into the history books using the notoriety of his pens. It was just not to be.

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