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Imagine a world where great treasures are guarded by terrifying and unknown forces. Where insidious plots from treacherous villains threaten the very core of one’s being. Only the boldest adventurers dare enter here. Spurred by the thrill of the hunt and the wonders that await, these Heroes are on a quest for beauty, truth, and the realization of their wildest dreams. This is the world of Fantasy Role-Playing. This is the world of Dating. And this is the world of Primary Attributes In Fantasy Role-Playing Games (RPGs), players assume the roles of fantastic fictional characters—rogue elves or cleric dwarves, dragons, wizards, giants, or trolls. Dice rolls determine the success or failure of attacks and other actions. There’s a stereotype about the people who play RPGs. That they’re loser virgins with no social skills. That they collect comic books and Star Wars figurines. That they obsess over the advancement of their Level 23 elf wizards and mourn them when they die. These are characters we typically see portrayed in movies and TV—the ones we can laugh at, the ones who are far removed from reality. But there’s a whole other side—a counter-stereotype—which gets hardly any treatment at all. Yes, these RPGers were dorks in high school, but they went to good colleges where they became smart and dorky and cool all at the same time, where they drank beer and got laid, and then, when they graduated, returned to this hobby, which lets them geek out with friends for a few hours a week. Primary Attributes follows these people. Primary Attributes is a Web series that follows two womanizers: David, who loves the game of scoring with women he barely knows, and Travis, who’s looking for more but finds himself stuck in a rut. They play Dungeons & Dragons at the home of Lance (the dungeon master) and his wife, Amanda, a big girl with a lot to prove. Rounding out the team is Kelly, a rebellious anarchist who’s trying something new. The series splits time between the real world and the RPG fantasy world our heroes have created. Each eight-minute episode—and the series as a whole—follows two parallel storylines, with the fantasy world’s violent, grandiose quests reflecting the gamers’ real-life conflicts. And as their fantasy characters overcome epic trials by fire, the gamers overcome their own challenges, growing as individuals and advancing their “primary attributes.”