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By Christopher Mark Fowler

GENRE: Sci-fi

Zohn Kai; war hero, pilot, warrior, widower and prince to the throne of the Basti Empire begins a new chapter in his life among his new found friends and allies in the Delta Coalition of Worlds. He finds a
renewed faith in love, adventure and understanding of his human allies as they fight an old enemy.


Zohn Kai, of the Basti, has long been in the service of his homeworld. As part of his career as a warrior, he has seen many battles and lost his wife, a warrior/healer, to war. Now, as a new chapter of his life

unfolds, he has chosen to join the Delta Coalition of Worlds as an exchange officer.

Taking a lesser rank and going to their orientation training opens new opportunities to defend the worlds and todistract himself from the loss of his wife to an enemy that has been dormant for many years.

With the help of his new human friend, a new love and the ghost of his late wife, he will find love, adventure and renewed heroism in defense of something far greater than himself. This is just the beginning as a long cold war begins to heat up again.

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