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By Anthony Collins

GENRE: Comedy, Drama
LOGLINE: A group of eccentric high-schoolers navigate the ups and downs of their awkward, turbulent, and ultimately beautiful adolescence in the soulful city of Seattle.


Aaron Walker is a complete loser. Well at least that's what he likes to think. A shy, geeky photographer, Aaron is a bright young man in a world that doesn't really give a shit: high school. After falling victim to the harsh bullying ways of the typical teenage douchebag, Aaron switches schools in hopes of gaining a fresh new start, any way possible. After a tumultuous first day, Aaron meets a trio of fun-loving, carefree stoners with a penchant for skipping school and fighting the man before curfew. Desperate to fit in, Aaron adopts a new "badass" persona and has the time of his life. But how long can he keep up the act? Are new friends and psuedo-coolness worth compromising the very core of his being? Does he even really care? "Sidewalkers" is a show about keeping sane in a time when everything and everyone seems like a mental institution. It's about being young and having fun, making mistakes, learning lessons, and growing as a young human being. Aaron and his friends deal with typical teenage issues from family troubles to self-esteem problems to the brutal, terrifying world of dating and sexuality. But above it all, these kids know how to have fun and not let their worries get the best of them. If not so much at first, they learn this along the way. And what better city to do it in than the hip, grungy town of Seattle, Washington, where a teenager sharing a joint with a bum at the bus stop isn't too abnormal of a sight.


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