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By Travis Seppala

GENRE: Horror

A group of urban explorers uncover the Hansel & Gretel Gingerbread House and find themselves trapped inside an evil labyrinth.


Urban explorers Diego, Moses, Ty, and Izzie run a popular webseries called "Abandoned Places" where they travel the world seeing unusual locations lost in ruins to time.

While on a trip to Germany to explore an abandoned castle that once belonged to Nazis, our gang meets three fans: Lena, Gunter, and Hasso. These German fans tell them about a cabin in the forest that's supposedly the actual Gingerbread House where the real life Hansel & Gretel went missing. Leery but intreged, Diego and the others agree to let these fans show them the place.

There's some light bonding between the two groups as they head out into the forest, but that quickly turns to animosity when they become locked in the Gingerbread House and the insides morph into something far more sinister.

Our gang split up to find a way out, and each find themselves in twisted nightmares they can't escape as the house devours them one-by-one. Can they find a way to freedom, or will the ancient labirynth claim them as its latest victims?

Tasha Lewis

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