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By Travis Seppala

GENRE: Historical, Sci-fi

A UFO crashed in Roswell, NM in 1947… and the U.S. Military covered it up.


During Independence Day Weekend in 1947, a UFO crashed in a field outside Roswell, New Mexico and managed to regain altitude, leaving behind a gouge in the dirt and littering the field in debris.

The UFO then completely crashed in the woods outside of town. By the time local authorities arrived, the place was flooded with military personnel from Roswell Air Field who had been tracking the UFO's movement for several nights.

Despite dozens of eye witnesses and the original official stance being that the military had indeed recovered a crashed Flying Saucer, the military managed to cover it all up and sweep it under the rug as a "downed weather balloon".


Marcos Fizzotti

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Preston Poulter

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Preston Poulter

I need to know the protagonist and conflict in your logline.

Travis Seppala

There is no one protagonist. It's an ensemble piece and moves from one important person in the incident to the next.

Preston Poulter

Travis Seppala Then what organization do we follow throughout your story?

Tasha Lewis

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Travis Seppala

It literally bounces between a variety of people involved, weaving all their stories as i tell everything that happened in chronological order.

E Langley

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Preston Poulter

If you can get the Ancient Aliens guy to narrate, I think you got something.

Travis Seppala

The script follows characters in the following scene sequence:


1) Kenneth Arnold's famous UFO sighting (pg 1-5)

2) Mac Brazel (pg 5-7)

3) Roswell Air force Base radar room (pg 7-8)

4) White Sands Air Force Base radar room (pg 8-9)

5) Dan and Loretta Wilmot UF sighting (pg 9-10)

6) White Sands Air force Base radar room + meet Steve Mackenzie (pg 10-11)

7) the failed V-2 rocket test at White Sands (pg 11-12)

8) Roswell Air Force Base radar room (pg 12-13)

9) Warrant Officer Robert Thomas gets briefed (pg 13)

10) Mac Brazel (pg 14)

11) Steve Mackenzie (pg 14-15)

12) Dr. W Curry Holden and his students (pg 15)

13) Jim Ragsdale and Tudy Trulove (pg 16)

14) Warrant Officer Robert Thomas (pg 16-17)

15) the UFO flying and gets hit by lightning and crashes (INTERCUT WITH radar rooms, Foster ranch, Mac Brazel) (pg 17-19)

16) Jim and Trudy (pg 19)

17) Holden + students (pg 19)

18) Roswell Air Force Base radar room/Warrant Officer Thomase (pg 19-20)

19) Jim and Trudy find the crashed UFO (pg 20-21)

20) Firefightings + Dan Dwyer (pg 21-22)

21) Sheriff Wilcox (pg 22-23)

22) Military (including Kenneth Arnold, Major Easley, Frank Kaufman, NCO Gonzalez, Holden+students who arrive) inspect crash site (pg 23-28)

23) FD and PD arrive to be turned away (pg 29-30)

24) Dwyer gets out of the fire truck to investigate crash site (pg 30-31)

25) Reporter John McBoyle takes notes on crash site and gets spotted/chased (pg 31-32)

26) Dwyer gets spotted and taken to see Jesse Marcel (pg 32-34)

27) John Mcboyle calls in what he saw to Lydia Sleppy, only to get nabbed by soldiers (pg 34-36)

28) Dr. Jesse Johnson brought in to inspect the alien bodies (pg 37)

29) Mac Brazel (pg 37-39)

30) Roy Danzer + Major Easley (pg 39-43)

31) Morticial Glenn Dennis (pg 43-44)

32) Mac Brazel (pg 44-45)

33) Lydia Sleppy gets threatened by M.I.B. (pg 46)

34) Glenn Dennis + Naomi Selff (pg 46-49)

35) Sheriff Wilcox (pg 49-50)

36) Mac Brazel (pg 50-53)

37) Major Easley (pg 53-54)

38) Mac Brazel + Sheriff Wilcox (pg 55-56)

39) Jesse Marcel + Cavitt (and Mac Brazel) (pg 57-58)

40) Colonel Blanchard (pg 58-60)

41) Jesse Marcel + Mac Brazel + Cavitt (pg 60-62)

42) Colonel Blanchard + Thomas Dubose (pg 62)

43) Jesse Marcel + Cavitt + Mac Brazel (pg 63)

44) Glenn Dennis + Naomi Selff (pg 64-68)

45) Jesse Marcel + Cavitt + Mac Brazel (pg 68-70)

46) Colonel Blanchard (pg 70)

47) Jesse Marcel+family (pg 71-73)

48) Jesse Marcel + superior officers (pg 73-74)

49) Mac Brazel (pg 74-75)

50) Colonel Blanchard (pg 75-77)

51) Jesse Marcel (pg 78)

52) Radio host Walt Whitmore Sr gets threatened by M.I.B. (pg 78-79)

53) Jesse Marcel (pg 79-81)

54) Sheriff Wilcox (pg 81-83)

55) Jesse Marcel + General Ramey (and others) (pg 83-86)

56) various (pg 87)

57) Mac Brazel (pg 88-89)

58) Jesse Marcel (pg 89-90)

59) Mac Brazel + Frank Joyce (pg 90-91)

60) Jesse Marcel + Cavitt (pg 91-93)

61) various (pg 93-95)

62) Philip Corso (pg 96-97)

63) Mac Brazel (pg 97-99)

64) Lewis Rickett + Dr La Paz (pg 99-101)

65) Glenn Dennis (pg 101-103)

66) Philip Corso (pg 104-105)


Peter Petralia

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