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By Robert Forte

GENRE: Comedy
LOGLINE: Two financially struggling barbers are duped into robbing their local bank by an evil corporate bank auditor.


GUS OWEN and DAVE O’DONNELL are the proprietors of a small financially struggling barbershop. Although GUS has been seeing ANNIE RILEY, the Chief of Police’s sister; the shapely JACKIE FORESTER, the attractive blonde who runs the aerobics studio across the street from their shop, mesmerizes GUS. BERNARD COVINGTON, the new manager of Cherry Valley Savings, goes in for a haircut. JACKIE enters. GUS is all a fluster and the two barbers embarrassingly discover that JACKIE is BERNARD’S niece. JACKIE and BERNARD make plans for lunch. A handsome well-dressed black man, MILO, suddenly enters waving a gun and demanding money, but to his surprise GUS goes into a routine (with background music provided by DAVE) about serving several tours of Desert Storm as a Navy Seal. MILO is momentarily distracted and GUS takes away his gun and knocks him to the floor. When DAVE gets on the phone with the police, BERNARD praises GUS on his agility and asks GUS and DAVE if they would like to make some extra money. BERNARD invites them to drop by the bank that afternoon and discuss the details of his offer. Just before leaving and the police arriving, BERNARD appeals to their sense of pity and beseeches GUS and DAVE to show mercy towards MILO and not press charges. GUS and DAVE meet with BERNARD at the bank and BERNARD tells them that he wants them to pretend to rob the bank in a simulated robbery as a test of the bank’s security system. There has been a rash of bank robberies lately throughout the state and BERNARD wants to be prepared in case they are targeted. BERNARD assures GUS and DAVE that everything will be monitored, and the fake robbery has been fully sanctioned by the home office and the local police. BERNARD offers GUS and DAVE $2000.00 each plus expenses and GUS and DAVE eagerly accept. BERNARD tells GUS and DAVE he will provide them with guns and instructs them to purchase some masks at a gift shop a few doors away. GUS and DAVE go to the shop and buy Mickey Mouse and Goofy masks from CONNIE, who, unknown to GUS and DAVE is BERNARD’S girlfriend. When GUS and DAVE leave, MILO steps out from the back room and takes two masks exactly like the ones GUS and DAVE purchased. Later, GUS tells DAVE that he has convinced ANNIE to lend them her brother’s new Corvette for twenty minutes for the simulated heist; he wouldn’t tell her what it’s all about, but he did tell ANNIE to be down at the bank on Friday around six, with a camera because he has a big surprise for her. GUS and DAVE wait outside the bank at the appointed date and time for BERNARD’S signal, which will be BERNARD opening and closing the doorway blinds. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to GUS and DAVE, CONNIE’S crazy brother, LENNIE and MILO, enter the bank first wearing the same masks as GUS and DAVE, driving the same type getaway car, and rob the bank. LENNY and MILO force the occupants into the vault and pretend to take BERNARD hostage. Just before they leave BERNARD gives the doorway signal to GUS and DAVE and BERNARD, LENNY, and MILO escape out the back door. GUS and DAVE see the signal and rush in on cue. ANNIE arrives outside the bank with a video camera and her reluctant brother, CHIEF RILEY, whom she has forced to come along. As BERNARD, MILO and LENNY turn the corner in their getaway car, ANNIE confesses to her brother that she lent his precious Corvette to GUS which infuriates the CHIEF, as LENNY, still wearing the Goofy mask, shoots some rounds off at CHIEF RILEY. Meanwhile, inside the bank, GUS and DAVE sense something is not quite right when they find no one in the bank. When GUS and DAVE find the occupants locked up in the vault they realize they have been had. DAVE sees one last five-dollar bill in a teller’s drawer and when he pulls it out the alarm goes off. CHIEF RILEY enters with his gun drawn but before he can arrest GUS and DAVE, Dave hits him over the head with a bookend and GUS and DAVE make their escape in CHIEF RILEY’S Corvette. A wild chase ensues and GUS AND DAVE manage to elude the police after thoroughly trashing the Corvette. GUS gets an idea and they go to JACKIE’S house. JACKIE thinks they’re guilty and quickly drops GUS with some fancy Karate moves before GUS can explain. BERNARD telephones JACKIE and tells her that GUS and DAVE robbed his bank and is holding him in a mountain cabin and he gives her the address; then suddenly blurts out that GUS and DAVE are coming back and he has to go. JACKIE realizes that GUS and DAVE are telling the truth, and GUS and DAVE convince JACKIE and her sexy brunette roommate, EVA, to help them find BERNARD and the stolen money before GUS and DAVE are hunted down and shot by CHIEF RILEY. At BERNARD’S hideout, he and his gang make a phony video of BERNARD being shot by his kidnappers, who are conveniently identified by name as the barbers GUS and DAVE. When their poorly staged skit is over, unknown to BERNARD and MILO, CONNIE keeps the camera rolling and gets BERNARD to unknowingly admit his part in the robbery and divulge their escape route. The gang gathers their things and leave, deliberately leaving the camera behind for JACKIE. GUS, DAVE, JACKIE, and EVA, arrive at the cabin and find the camera. They play back the tape and hear BERNARD talk about going to the Tartan Hotel before crossing the border into Canada. DAVE explains that the Tartan Hotel was a popular hotel in the 30’s and 40’s for Chicago gangsters, just down the road from the Canadian border. GUS telephones a very sad, angry and drunk ANNIE and tells her that they were set up and he is sending her the tape to show to her brother, and to tell him to set up a roadblock at the Canadian border. Meanwhile, CONNIE and crazy LENNY are in a deep sleep from drugged coffee that BERNARD gave them. BERNARD has grown tired of CONNIE and with putting up with the antics of her crazy brother LENNY, and has decided to take this opportunity to part ways. When the gang arrives at the Tartan, BERNARD and MILO tie up CONNIE and LENNY and leave them there with a trunk full of explosives set to detonate. GUS, DAVE, JACKIE and EVA arrive at the Tartan, and as EVA and JACKIE sneak in the front way, GUS and DAVE go around to the back and discover BERNARD’S getaway van. While GUS and DAVE check out the van and discover all the stolen money, JACKIE and EVA are captured by BERNARD and MILO and are tied up with CONNIE and LENNY. GUS and DAVE duck when they hear MILO and BERNARD coming back to the van. BERNARD and MILO leave in the van heading for the Canadian border. GUS and DAVE enter the Tartan and as they try to free everyone Lenny tells them the explosives are about to blow and tries to talk GUS through the procedure of disarming the bomb. CHIEF RILEY and the FBI wait near the border in a beer truck, which blocks the road and appears to be broken down. When BERNARD and MILO arrive they are quickly arrested. When the agents look in the back of the van for the stolen money they see that it is gone. Suddenly there is a huge explosion from the Tartan Hotel, the force of which can be seen and heard for miles. CONNIE, LENNY, GUS, DAVE, EVA, and JACKIE are all assumed dead from the explosion but they have made a clean and secret getaway. GUS and DAVE and JACKIE and EVA, hiding out in Mexico, have taken the stolen money and invested in some Indian Casinos with a plan of returning all the stolen money after one year’s profit on their eight million dollar investment along with their new partners CONNIE and LENNY.

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