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The Children of our Future have are a threat to National and International Security.
Part Two of The Signature Trilogy
Para-psychological Thriller
© PAu003826891
When The Resonance Factor report hit the desk of NSA Chief, Sharon Eldridge, she became alarmed at the growing Neuronetwork of telepathic children and their own power of peaceful autonomy influencing the world.
Immediately, Eldridge orders highest priority surveillance on the Children and Instructors of the Institute for Cognitive Studies. With proof their global-minded consciousness directly overrides all government authority with peace-making efforts through telepathic communications in the holographic Signatures world-wide, Chief Eldridge enlists black-ops teams to strategically remove the children’s effectiveness through separation, torture and even, death…until they discover the one way to bring down the Neuronetwork altogether – by modifying the world’s food source to weaken the natural power of the human body and its ability to connect with its own inner light.
Dr. James Harmon and Devin Karan return in The Resonance Factor with Becka Taylor and the Intutive Children of the world. Their journey is a struggle between social and government power to locate the resonant frequencies of the global Neuronetwork – their only place of safety.
Collaborating Writer: Robert Conner