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By Richard Welch

GENRE: Adventure, Western
LOGLINE: Southwestern Kansas, 1868. A shy farm boy from Virginia is labeled a coward at the Battle of Gettysburg. After the war he moves west in the hope of escaping his demons and redeeming himself.


A battle of minds and wills commences between a gang of four disgruntled and thieving railroad workers and a family of homesteaders which catches a young man and woman in the middle. The young man, NATHANIEL WILSON, aged 22, was called a coward after the Battle Gettysburg. He half-heartedly joins the outlaws as they raid and take over the Light family homestead on the Kansas frontier. In the Light household are the father and mother, two young sons, and their daughter, JENNIE MAY LIGHT, aged 16, who sees good in Nathaniel and vows to help him. The outlaws are thoroughly evil and assault the Lights as they hold them captive. When a convoy of wagons arrives from the West which is filled with gold bars, the outlaws attempt to take it as a raging gun battle occurs between the outlaws, the wagon crew, and an army convoy. As the battle roars around the Light farm, Jennie May’s brothers’ pet coyote, JULIUS CAESAR, protects Nathaniel and Jennie May and eventually helps them escape to Mexico. Richard Welch 131 E. La Espina Green Valley, Arizona 85614 (520) 977-3071

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